Speaking of my personal favorite colors... This has got to be one of my all time favorite fabrics. The design of this fabric from afar looks like a simple tailored stripe...
...but check it out up close. It's stripe consists of a feminine pleated ribbon, held together by a flat ribbon. I have thought many, many days of creating my master retreat. This fabric being railroaded (which would create a horizontal stripe) as my panels.
Whenever I watch the movie THE HOLIDAY, I fall in love, over and over again, with the the Cali House Set. Especially, the master bedroom... Take a look:
Though I am not one to leave walls this neutral, I love it. Overscaled Lamps, simple lines, tailored, Tone on Tones, with a nice fluffy rug. This 'style' and my favorite Beacon Hill Fabric... mmmmm... RETREAT!